Covid Hygiene routine:
So I have made many changes to my usual routine , this is due to the Coronavirus disrupting our lives.
I will be putting extra hygiene precautions in place before and after every session.
Depending on the type of session you have booked will depend on what needs to be cleaned.
If you are booked in for a Newborn or Cake smash or any in home session from the 12th April 2021, everything will be cleaned with disinfectant spray and wipes before and after a session. This includes my equipment, bags and camera! Backdrops & fabric items will be washed or steamed, and kept in a cleaned containers until my arrival.
Only one session per day will be taking place to ensure cleaning the equipment is most efficient.
All props in any session will be washed/sprayed and steamed where appropriate with approved anti viral and antiseptic solutions.
I want you to feel comfortable during your sessions, this is a very strange time even after a year on, we all must help to keeping our hygiene to the highest standards to contain the virus. I know we have heard this all constantly for the last year but let's keep doing what we can, washing hands and cleaning regally touched surfaces.
During the session I will be wearing my lovely child friendly mask & or visor. I will also be carrying my large bottle of hand sanitiser to use before entering and throughout the session.
I will be kindly asking families that have booked indoor session (12th April) to minimise the amount of adults in the home, usually other family members such as grandparents are welcome to join and watch/help during the session but for now i'm required to ask where possible to minimise the adults present, I'm hoping not for long! Where possible I will be maintaining social distancing (for example outdoor session where this is possible) but this will not be affecting our sessions and the outcome of your gallery.
I've been patiently waiting to get back doing what I love, and will be doing everything I can to ensure we can stay open for the future.
So happy to be coming back very very soon!