This little sweet heart turned one in September. She is my adorable niece, and of course we had to do her a Cake Smash and Splash! #cakesmashphotos #cakesmashphotoshoot
Mum (my sister) loves purple so we did a purple girly theme session, and doesn't the colour suit her! Little Rose just looks adorable!

This little lady was not afraid to taste the cake, but that was about it! Some babies like the idea of getting messy but quickly change their minds on the texture of icing! But that didn't stop us capturing her gorgeous smile. Maybe I am biased, just a tad.

Setting up at Rose's home was fun! she wanted to help and touch everything. Crawling around the set up made it interesting, more exercise than mummy had anticipated. She was defiantly not camera shy, probably because she is always known me to be with it.
Her mummy Charlotte made the cake and just looked how pretty it is, matching the scene perfectly. Its so refreshing to have a different colour than pink! #purplecakesmash #birthdaycake

This is her big sister Lily. She sat next to me the duration making Rose laugh and giggle throughout the session, probably because she knew that cake was involved if she was good! Big sister cuddles are just the best! What a lovely little memory to keep both little girls in a pretty dresses to celebrate hitting 1!
Next > The Splash, #splash #cakesmash #bathtub #1stbirthday
YES. She loved the bath more than the cake!!! Come on, don't forget this is bubbles we are talking about.

Those little toes peeping out.

Your little babies only turn ONE once, so get booking with me and lets capture your personalised cake smash set-up with your gorgeous little poppet in the centre. The year goes by so quickly and the years after that continue to fly! Let's not miss a second & enjoy looking at your joy on the walls in your home even when they've grown.